Working with vendor-submitted invoices
When you select a pending invoice, the Decline and Received buttons become enabled. Click Received to accept the invoice or Decline to reject the invoice and send it back to the vendor. These buttons are disabled when you select multiple invoices or an invoice created in the project.
When you click the Decline button, the Reject invoice dialog box opens. You must then enter a note describing why the invoice was rejected, and then click Save to save the rejection and send it to the vendor. The invoice remains in the register with a status of Declined until the vendor users recalls it. After the vendor recalls the invoice, it is no longer shown in the register.
When you click the Received button, the Receive invoice dialog box opens. After you add an approval note and click Save, the Vendor status column shows the Received status, and the invoice can be added to a payment form like an invoice that was created in the project.